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Organizational Overview

The responsibilities of the TDF to the Texas people and hence its jurisdiction extend to all 254 counties within the external boundaries of Texas including those defined on rivers, lakes and the Gulf Coast.

The TDF has organized Texas into three roughly equal areas of command responsibility. The District Commanders report directly to the Commander of the TDF.

In each District the County Commanders report directly to their District Commander.

In each County the Precinct Commanders report directly to their County Commander.

The ranks of each commander are determined largely by the population and duties of their area of responsibility.

Office of the Commander

The TDF is divided into three Divisions that report to the Commander of the TDF.

Operations - The military division of the TDF.

  • Rangers - First line combat troops.
  • Sappers - Additional training to provide emergency services and supplies to the community.
  • Guard - Resident TDF that remains embedded to protect the neighborhood.
  • Special Operations Group - Advanced Tactical Warfare
  • Irregulars - Volunteers trained by the TDF to provide as needed assistance and local intelligence to the TDF.
  • Logistics - Everything 'logistical'.

Judge Advocate General/Criminal Investigative Department - The legal division of the TDF.

  • Courts-Martial - Venues with original jurisidiction in the Militia Code of Justice.
  • Criminal Investigative Department - Militia Police to keep the Peace on TDF establishments and to investigate violations of the Militia Code of Justice and operate stockades for convicted parties.

Provost Marshal - The community relations division of the TDF.

  • Courts - Ensure local, county and state level courts are available to the Texas people.
  • Emergency Services - Ensure medical, fire and utility services are as operational as circumstances will permit.
  • Law Enforcement - Keeping the Peace in the community replacing corrupt or otherwise ineffective police/sheriff departments with specially trained TDF Rangers.
  • Currency Protection Board - Create, monitor and protect a specie based currency for the Texas peoples and provide transition guidance from fiat currencies to the new Dollar of the new Texas Republic.