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What is the 'Texas Defense Force' ?

The Texas Defense Force or 'TDF' is the Texas militia required by the Constitution of 1791, the Militia Acts of 1792 and the laws of the Colonies before the Constitution

This body of law and custom eventually came to the Colonies when the Puritans started leaving England in the 16th century.

England for a long time before was transitioning from the feudal system to the militia system of raising and maintaining a fighting force.

The Statute of Winchester of 1285 required the keeping of arms and equipment according to wealth. Eventually, the Militia Act and the Muster Act of 1558 clarified the trend that able bodied men from 16 to 60 of good character were required to keep and bear arms and be trained in the military skills. Those found deficient at musters were often fined and ordered to equip themselves appropriately.

In Texas today there are between 3.5 and 4.0 Million males not employed by government required by valid existing laws to keep and bear arms and be trained in the military skills.

That federal and Texas governments have willfully disobeyed the laws of centuries and allowed and encouraged militia duty to fall into abandonment and ill repute does not excuse those natural born citizens of Texas or other States resident here from their militia duties.

That federal and Texas governments have willfully disobeyed the laws of centuries and allowed and encouraged militia duty to fall into abandonment and ill repute does not render null and void those laws which are antecedent by centuries to the formation of those governments.

The requirement to keep and bear arms can be traced back to almost A.D. 700 when freed slaves as a part of their freedom were required to keep and bear arms as a part of their duty to the society to which they now belonged as freemen.

History Of Requirement To Keep and Bear Arms

The Militia Clauses of the Constitution make it plain to see that the Framers fully intended to continue with the laws of centuries in their new government.

Further witness to that original intent was the passage of the Militia Acts of 1792 by Congress.

Militia Acts of 1792

The Second Amendment of the Constitution of 1791 is redundant by history, the laws of centuries and clauses within the Constitution itself but nevertheless it has become a popular focal point in society characterized by the portion of the amendment 'the right to keep and bear arms'.

Declaration of Formation

What the Texas Defense Force is NOT !

The TDF is comprised of natural born citizens of Texas and the other member States of the Union living here. Such people must obviously be able bodied and of good health not so obvious is the requirement to be of good character. The TDF is not recruiting for duty overseas in third world countries but here in 'our town'.

Therefore, the epithets of government and media such as domestic terrorists, anarchists, racists, anti-government extremists etc., etc., etc. do not apply. The upright, positive contributors to the society who are the TDF enjoy the protections at law, infrastructures, services and conveniences of a modern society that their labor and tax dollars provide for them and their families.

The enemies of the Texas people are many !

The threats to the peaceful and industrious people within Texas are many and diversified. In the end however they all work together for only one of two purposes. The impoverishment and servitude of the Texas people or the death of such Texas people who might object to being forced to endure such barren and gruesome living standards.

The TDF is fighting a battle known as a counter insurgency. That is a battle that has the goal of returning to the established rule of law which is currently being threatened by the insurgents, both foreign and domestic.

The organization of the Texas Defense Force :

The TDF is a militia but militia members have always been paid for training as well as actual service. Today the TDF pays for training and service, and is largely comprised of part time 'minute men' as well as full time career members. Currently pay scales average 45-55% above the equivalent US Army levels for officers and enlisted.

The TDF also provides all ammunition used for training and limited member and eligible dependent medical coverage. Where applicable on line courses are provided for those educational activities that are not on the range or other training field.

In accordance with the various militia acts of centuries even before the Constitution of 1791, the TDF will supply a basic configuration rifle and three magazines to those otherwise eligible members who cannot afford one at cost with payments over time at zero interest.

Both officers and enlisted personnel of the TDF must swear an oath to God Almighty to uphold and defend the Constitution of 1791 against all enemies both foreign and domestic, without exception.

Oath of Enlistment

Oath of Office

Because the TDF is protecting lives and property in 'our town' a large part of the TDF will also act as sappers to restore services and infrastructure (where possible) and provide food, water and medical assistance to the community members.

There are also members of the TDF who comprise the 'Neighborhood Guard' that while trained by the TDF are not first line combat troops but remain in their neighborhoods to aid and protect the community members until TDF regulars arrive.

The goal of the Texas Defense Force :

The only goal of the TDF is to return the peaceful and industrious Texas people to the protections of the Rule of Law that was so hard won by our forefathers for us.

Declaration of the Causes and Necessity for Taking Up Arms

How the TDF will reach its goal :

This means replacing the current quasi pseudo Marxist governments in Texas with those that are actually in the form and behavior of a Republic.

That such quasi pseudo Marxist governments have taken decades, incrementally by subversion, to arrive at the point today where the unwarranted use of Force of Arms and other crimes are committed against the Texas people almost daily means that such cancerous governments can not be changed by voting out one or two visible ring leaders.

The Texas peoples fight for survival and liberty against unprovoked and causeless enemies is not technically a war as wars are fought between sovereigns. However, the Acts of the governments and foreign nationals against the Texas people are nothing short of Acts of War.

The military actions of the TDF in response to the multitudes of subversive and violent insurgencies of governments and foreign nationals has three objectives:

    1. Destroy the military capabilities of the enemy.
    2. Destroy the enemies ability to rearm, resupply and return to fighting.
    3. Destroy the enemies will to continue the aggressions he started against the Texas peoples.

During the actions to remove occupying and invading forces the smooth operation of ordinary commerce becomes almost impossible. The threat of this situation has been used to instill fear into subservient populations throughout history by encouraging the false belief that their love of money will save non combatants from the consequences of war.

To minimize what could otherwise be catastrophic collapse the TDF has planned to temporarily replace the quasi pseudo Marxist governments in Texas with the the Provost Marshal. This means that courts will be functioning, cities will still be administered and managed, oppressive and otherwise bad behaving police departments will be replaced by the Provost Marshal.

The Provost Marshal operates under the TDF flying the flag of the TDF. Such experienced non TDF members in matters of community and state operations and administration will be hired as consultants to the Provost Marshal to gain the best balance between military and civilian leadership that circumstances allow.

When the 'smoke and dust' has settled and the survivors in the war for Texas independence have begun to have once again a safe and peaceful society the TDF Commander will order the Provost Marshal to organize public elections for such necessary offices that a Republic requires to meet its obligations to the Texas people under the grants of the Constitutions.

After such elections have been successfully completed and the first generation of government officials of the new Texas Republic have been sworn in the TDF Commander will order the flag of the TDF lowered with due and solemn ceremony, by the Provost Marshal, from such places of authority as it has been placed and the Lone Star flag of the new Texas Republic raised in its place.

Freedom is not free, but like any other blessing it can be traded for 'a bowl of soup'.